Safety is our highest priority and we ensure that we work to the strict government guidelines when conducting business. All our technicians are double vaccinated for COVID 19.
Below is our plan when working in the current COVID environment
Protect yourself and others
If you are feeling unwell or displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), a cold or flu, do not attend sites – seek medical advice.
For advice on coronavirus visit www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au or call the hotline on 1800 675 398.
When attending a property
We use clear communication to explain to our customer what steps we are taking to ensure the health and safety of the household and yourself.
Before attending the premises, we ask our customer if anyone in their household:
has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)
is feeling unwell or has any cold or flu-like symptoms
has been in contact with someone diagnosed with the virus
has travelled from overseas recently and is under quarantine orders
and/or anyone in the home is self-isolating.
Before entering the premises we check the front door for a public health notice. A public health notice is intended to alert people entering a premises of any health risks.
Prevent the spread
We wear a face covering – Read the updated Government advice on face masks.
Keep our distance: follow physical distancing directions – keep at least 1.5 metres away from your customer and when inside ensure there is 4 square metres per person. If necessary, ask your customer to move out of the room to allow you to carry out the work.
Carry with you and use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with 60%-80% alcohol content.
Wash your hands often with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. Dry with a paper towel or hand dryer.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or cough and sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow. Dispose of the tissue and wash your hands.
Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Use cashless payment where possible.
Limit your interactions with people as much as possible.
In circumstances where a client has tested positive, is feeling unwell or has been in contact with someone diagnosed with the virus, only enter a premises in an emergency or for urgent repairs. Additional precautions should be taken, see below. Consider if the work can be deferred to a later date.
Additional precautions
Advise your customer that due to current public health directions, you must take additional safety precautions.
Maintain a minimum of 1.5m between yourself and the customer at all times, and follow all other measures listed above.
If works are inside the premises, advise your customer to wait in another room of the house with the door closed while the work is completed.
If works are outside the premises, advise they must wait inside while the work is completed.
Only if necessary should the customer show you or your worker the location of the works required.
Complete the work as quickly as practicable, ensuring any electrical installation is left safe.
If you must speak to the customer during the job for additional information or clarification, do so as briefly as possible and maintain your physical distance.
Advise the customer when the work is complete and leave the property immediately.
Immediately wash or sanitise your hands.
Our expectation of the electrical industry
As the electrical industry finds itself working through challenging times, while looking for an alternative and innovative ways to continue to service the community; our expectation of you remains unchanged.
We expect you all to maintain a high level of technical and legislative compliance, work safely to ensure the delivery of safe electrical systems for Victorians.
With industry maintaining a high standard and ESV continuing to monitor and identify those who fail to meet the industries expectation, by working together we will continue to keep electrical workers and the community safe.
With the right precautions in place we can continue to support the community and remain safe from the threat posed by coronavirus.
Contact us
If you have any queries or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact 0410684206